Dennis M's Chess Site

This is a blog for chess fans by a chess fan. I enjoy winning as much as anyone else, and I've had a reasonable amount of success as a competitor, but what keeps me coming back to the game is its beauty. And that, primarily, is what this site will be about! All material copyrighted.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

My ChessBase Show's Game List

What follows are all the games I've covered (I think!) over the course of the 64 weeks of my ChessBase show. (The numerals pick out the show's week.) This list will hopefully be a convenient resource for those looking up old shows in the archives, and even for those who haven't and won't watch them, these are still games well worth finding and studying carefully. (Except, perhaps, for my games - I'll leave their worth for others to judge.)

1. Spassky-Petrosian, Moscow (W ch, game 19) 1969 (1-0, 24)

1. Spassky-Rashkovsky, USSR ch. 1973 (1-0, 21)

2. Keres-Weiss, IFSB-ch corr. 1935 (1-0, 27)

2. Keres-Geller, Candidates playoff 1962 (1-0, 28)

3. Brodsky-Kramnik, Herson 1991 (0-1, 31)

3. Gelfand-Kramnik, Berlin 1996 (0-1, 28)

3. Kasparov-Kramnik, Dos Hermanas 1996 (0-1, 35)

4. Topalov-Bareev, Linares 1994 (0-1, 23)

4. Karpov-Topalov, Linares 1994 (1-0, 39)

5. Geller-Najdorf, Zurich (Ct) 1953 (1-0, 57)

5. Geller-Fischer, Curacao (Ct) 1962 (1-0, 41)

6. Karpov-Ljubojevic, Torino 1982 (1-0, 28)

6. Tal-Andersson, Biel (izt) 1976 (1-0, 34)

7. Shirov-Polgar, Tilburg Fontys 1996 (1-0, 30)

8. Halprin-Pillsbury, DSB-12 Kongress 1900 (1/2-1/2, 24)

9. Polugaevsky-Nezhmetdinov, Sochi 1958 (0-1, 33)

10. Kasparov-Karpov, W ch (game 16) 1986 (1-0, 41)

11. Durham-Monokroussos, Las Vegas 1986 (1/2-1/2, 65)

11. Monokroussos-Shliperman, New York 1998 (1-0, 38)

11. Monokroussos-Cavallo, Philadelphia (World Open) 1998 (1-0, 25)

11. Monokroussos-Barcarola, US Amateur Team East 1999 (1/2-1/2, 54)

12. Flohr-Vidmar, Nottingham 1936 (1-0, 58)

13. Capablanca-Marshall, New York 1918 (1-0, 36)

14. Denker-Botvinnik, U.S. vs. USSR radio match 1945 (0-1, 25)

15. Capablanca-Menchik, Hastings 1929 (1-0, 64)

16. Harmonist-Tarrasch, DSB-06 Kongress 1889 (0-1, 46)

17. Jimenez-Larsen, Palma de Mallorca 1967 (0-1, 43)

18. Reshevsky-Miagmasuren, Sousse 1967 (1-0, 33)

19. Karpov-Beliavsky, Tilburg 1986 (0-1, 36)

19. Nikolic-Kramnik, Monaco (blind) 1998 (0-1, 35)

20. Serper-Nikolaidis, St. Petersburg 1993 (1-0, 48)

21. Petrosian-Yukhtman, USSR ch (Tbilisi) 1959 (1-0, 31)

22. Reshevsky-Fischer, New York/Los Angeles (m) 1961 (0-1, 57)

23. Capablanca-Tartakower, New York 1924 (1-0, 52)

24. Kharlov-Nisipeanu, Tripoli (FIDE W Ch) 2004 (1-0, 62)

25. Zukertort-Steinitz, W ch 1886 (0-1, 46)

26. Lputian-Dlugy, New York Open 1998 (1-0, 23)

27. Ljubojevic-Korchnoi, Linares 1985 (1-0, 41)

28. Rotlewi-Rubinstein, Lodz 1907 (0-1, 25)

29. Benko-Olafsson, Yugoslavia (Ct) 1959 (1-0, 42)

30. Estrin-Berliner, World Corr. Ch. 1965-68 (0-1, 42)

31. Beliavsky-Anand, Munich 1991 (0-1, 28)

32. Morozevich-Anand, PCA/Intel GP (rapid) 1995 (1-0, 28)

33. Cordes-Miles, Bad Woerishofen 1985 (1-0, 36)

34. Korchnoi-Huebner, Johannesburg 1981 (1-0, 23)

35. Kramnik-Leko (x2) (Tilburg 1998 and Koeln 2000) (0-1, 45 and 1-0, 33)

36. Vasiukov-van Wely, Moscow 2002 (1-0, 32)

37. Jussupow-van der Wiel, Luzern (ol) 1982 (1-0, 31)

38. Anderssen-Lange, Breslau 1859 (0-1, 19)

38. Polgar-Berkes, Budapest 2003 (1-0, 24)

39. Botvinnik-Smyslov, W Ch. 1954 (1-0, 30)

39. Smyslov-Botvinnik, W Ch. 1954 (1-0, 25)

40. Leko-Kramnik, Brissago (W ch) 2004 (1/2-1/2, 65)

40. Kramnik-Leko, Brissago (W ch) 2004 (1-0, 41)

41. Petrosian-Bronstein, Amsterdam (Ct) 1956 (0-1, 36)

41. Kasparov-Karpov, Moscow (W Ch.) 1985 (1-0, 25)

41. Shirazi-Peters, Berkeley (U.S. Ch.) 1984 (0-1, 5)

41. Christiansen-Karpov, Wijk aan Zee 1993 (1-0, 12)

41. Zapata-Anand, Biel 1988 (1-0, 6)

41. Szabo-Reshevsky, Zurich (Ct) 1953 (1/2-1/2, 27)

42. Schiffers-Harmonist, Frankfurt 1887 (1-0, 28)

42. Spielmann-Duras, Carlsbad 1907 (1-0, 21)

42. Fang-Ivanov, Manchester 1999 (0-1, 37)

42. Mustafaev-Mamedyarov, Baku 2001 (0-1, 40)

42. Kosztolanczi-Hajnal, Zalakaros 2002 (0-1, 30)

42. Bancod-Iuldachev, Jakarta 1997 (0-1, 30)

42. Morkisz-Kaula, Poland 1995 (1/2-1/2, 28)

43. Bisguier-Monokroussos, Las Vegas 1998 (0-1, 21)

43. Rubinstein-Vidmar, Berlin 1918 (0-1, 24)

44. Gruenfeld-Polugaevsky, Riga (izt) 1979 (0-1, 53)

45. Kamsky-Kramnik, New York (Cm) 1994 (1-0, 41)

46. Euwe-Najdorf, Zurich (Ct) 1953 (1-0, 37)

47. Grooten-Motylev, Essent op 2003 (0-1, 43)

48. Nakamura-Muhammed, U.S. Ch. 2004 (1-0, 28)

48. Nakamura-Stripunsky, U.S. Ch. 2004 (1/2-1/2, 25)

48. DeFirmian-Nakamura, U.S. Ch. 2004 (0-1, 40)

48. Kaidanov-Nakamura, U.S. Ch. 2004 (0-1, 68)

48. Nakamura-Karjakin, Cuernavaca (m) 2004 (0-1, 39)

49. Nakamura-Ibragimov, U.S. Ch. 2004 (1-0, 66)

50. Bronstein-Larsen, Amsterdam (izt) 1964 (0-1, 30)

51. Miles-Huebner, Wijk aan Zee 1984 (1-0, 41)

52. Anand-Bareev, Wijk aan Zee (Corus) 2004 (1-0, 48)

53. McDonnell-Labourdonnais, London (m) 1834 (0-1, 37)

54. Bird-Horwitz, London 1851 (1-0, 59)

55. Bogoljubow-Alekhine, W ch 1934, game 9 (0-1, 46)

56. Kasparov-Anand, W ch 1995, game 10 (1-0, 38)

57. van Oosterom-Nimtz, 18th W corr. ch. 2003 (1-0, 49)

58. Karpov-Timman, Montreal 1979 (1-0, 38)

59. Aronian-Popov, Aeroflot Open 2005 (1-0, 36)

60. Sasikiran-Skytte, Politiken Cup 2003 (1-0, 41)

61. Kasparov-Karpov, W ch 1985, game 19 (1-0, 42)

62. Saidy-Fischer, New York 1968 (0-1, 35)

62. Karpov-Bellon, Madrid 1973 (1/2-1/2, 49)

63. MacDonald-Burn, Casual Game 1910 (0-1, 49)

64. Jobava-Delgado, Calvia (ol) 2004 (1-0, 34)

65. Pachman-Fischer, Santiago 1959 (1-0, 40)


  • At 3:15 AM, Blogger Naisortep said…

    Wow a nice collection of games. Is there any place I can go to download a PGN file of the games ? I want to review them before watching your show.


  • At 3:40 AM, Blogger Dennis Monokroussos said…

    Not that I know of - sorry. However, if you go to and select the Player Database link on the left side of the page, you'll be able to find the games one at a time (except for all but one of my games). Also, when you watch a show, whether live or in the archives, you can manually save the games to a directory, and unless you're using the stand-alone client (and maybe even then), the games (without the audio) will be automatically saved in a directory on your hard drive called MyInternetKibitzing.


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